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CBD decision no. VII/28 - Protected areas


CBD 07, Kuala Lumpur, February 2004

The Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD/COP7) met in Kuala Lumpur in February 2004 and adopted decision VII/28 on a CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Many of the ideas in the programme derive from the Durban Action Plan adopted by the Vth World Parks Congress less than six months earlier. However, since the programme of work was adopted by an intergovernmental decision, it is of great significance.

The programme has important things to say on indigenous peoples. Though not mentioning mobile peoples as a distinct group, many of the messages that pertain to indigenous groups in general apply to mobile peoples too.

As well as restating the emphasis on indigenous peoples and local communities in Article 8j (support for indigenous peoples, especially their traditional knowledge and in benefit sharing) and Article 10 (sustainable use of biodiversity) of the CBD itself, the decision commits governments to a wide range of measures relating to protected areas. In particular, these involve the engagement of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders in all matters relating to the planning and management of protected areas. See here for the full text of the decision VII/28. See also the Forest People’s report of this meeting.



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Dana Declaration 

The Dana Declaration is an attempt to forge a new partnership between conservationists and mobile peoples in order to ensure future conservation policies help maintain the earth's ecosystems, species and genetic diversity while respecting the rights of indigenous and traditional communities which have been disregarded in the past. 



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